Inemuri in Japanese Culture The Japanese take pride in their country being renowned as a hardworking nation that hardly sleeps. According to a study undertaken by the Japanese Government in 2015, “ 39.5% of Japanese adults slept for less than 6 hours a day ” on an average. The sight of people sleeping in public transport and other public spaces, as well as at work – even during work meetings – is a common one, especially in a city like Tokyo. Inemuri or ‘sleeping while being present’ is a socio-cultural phenomenon that rose to prominence in Japan at the time of the country’s economic boom after the Second World War. It is considered as a “sign of hard work” – be it on way to work, at work or on way back from work. It is therefore socially accepted in Japan, as long as it does not result in trespassing into others’ space. Inemuri is in fact often even encouraged by employers at workplaces, for it is known to help increase the staff’s ...